Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Welcome to Diabetic Gluten Free Adventures!

Welcome to Diabetic Gluten Free Adventures!  

I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing so please go easy with me!!!

I  have been reading quite a few blogs written by parents of T1's or PWD in the last couple months.  Most of them I have read every single post from the beginning of the blog.  I must say that the posts have made me feel that I am very much NOT alone on this crazy journey!

This is somewhere that I am hoping I can share some laughter, share some tears, vent some frustration and get some "same-same" that all T1 parents crave!!

Our daughter was dx with T1 in Feb 8, 2012 at the age of 8.  I will post our Dx story when I get the emotional strength to do so!!  Anyways.....since her dx things have been exhaustingly crazy.  We have dealt with great teachers, not so great teachers and friends & family with varying degrees of interest/support.

Thanks to MeriWendy, Nicole & Denise for already making me feel welcome in the D-FB/blogging community.  I am looking forward to getting to know ReynaJoanne & countless others soon!!

Hopefully I'll get the hang of this "blogging" thing soon!!



  1. WELCOME to the community!
    I am a celiabetic too!

  2. Nice to "meet" you, Brandy! Looking forward to reading more about you and your family.

  3. You are definitely NOT alone! Scully and I are friends and we are both celiabetic! We are here for you!! I'm excited to read your blog!
