Monday, September 9, 2013

Destination ME: Week 2

WOW!!  I can't believe how such a simple concept as this "Destination ME" project that Hallie started would benefit me!  Last week I wanted to be in bed and asleep by 10:30 each night.  I did ok most of the nights but there were a couple nights that bed & sleep didn't happen until after the midnight check :(  However I did make up for it one night when I was asleep by just after 8:00.  Exhaustion caught up with me.  The one thing that I did notice this week is that by allowing myself to be in bed that much earlier I was much better equipped to deal with the curve balls that were thrown at me.  I didn't feel nearly as stressed and overwhelmed as I have previously when thrown these nasty stressers.  Some of the curve balls were D related but most of them weren't.  We are in the middle of trying to sell our house and purchase something slightly bigger.  All summer the real estate market out here has been incredibly slow.  As a result we hardly had any showing on our house all summer.  (3 in July and nothing in August).  Since the beginning of September we have had 8 showings of our house.  Now I'm giddy that we are getting showings but I could use a day or two (or three!) in between them to catch up on stuff.  I am tired of my house having to be "Show Ready" and I would really like to be able to do laundry without being rushed.  I hang most of the laundry to dry and when we have people coming so often I can't leave the clothes hanging to dry as I would like too.  My dryer is getting WAY too much usage the last couple weeks!

Since I noticed such great success with last weeks goal I am going to continue with my early bedtime as much as I can.  This weeks goal is to eat breakfast EVERYDAY!!  I know that this may sound simple to some people but for me it is really hard.  And it's not because I'm not hungry.  I just don't take the time for myself to actually sit for 5 or 10 minutes in the morning and eat before we leave for school.  Most mornings I will grab a banana or something as we go out the door and I will eat this as soon as I get to school.  I know this is not good for me, (even though I'm eating fruit).  I need to sit and eat a proper breakfast and I need to take the time to eat it slowly and enjoy it.  I am hoping that if I do this I won't be starving by the time recess comes and thus will be able to resist the sweet treats that inevitably end up in the staff room.  Even on the days where I pack a snack I am always so hungry I am end up eating my snack AND some of whatever has been brought to share :(

Hopefully this week will be as successful as last week!!


1 comment:

  1. I made breakfast one of my goals this week, too! It sounds so easy, but it's not. I've been making smoothies, which take time and might not work for you, but if you prep everything the night before then all you have to do is blend and take it with. Or maybe yogurt with that banana?
    I didn't have much luck with the earlier bedtime, so I'm trying things I can hopefully accomplish this week. :) Nice work!
